How to Use Blogging for Lead Generation
By: Shauna Zamarripa
Lead generation. Two seemingly simple words that sends shudders down your spine, don’t they? It’s the one thing that every business owner knows they need to do, but the single item on a task list that either no one wants to do, or (more commonly) doesn’t know how to do effectively. Well, wipe that grimace from your face my friend, because I am going to give you several different strategies on how to use blogging to skyrocket your lead generation efforts. And, it’s easier than you might think to accomplish.
Why does blogging work for lead generation?
If done correctly (not overly promotional, pushy or written as sales copy) blogging makes you the subject matter expert in your field. By using a blog to talk about your business experiences, showcase your expertise and provide useful information to the public you earn the two commodities that matter most in an almost fully digital world: attention and trust. This is particularly important when marketing to millennials, as they will do much of their research about people and companies online, but once you’ve courted them, you will likely have a customer for life. The biggest problem you have right now is that you don’t know how to court them properly. That’s where we come in. We will tell you exactly how to do it, and how to do it right.
Essentially, there are four elements you need in order to seduce the 35 and under crowd – but the bonus is that it works for just about every demographic these days.
1. Landing pages/Squeeze pages
A landing page is a static page on your blog site that entices customers to “poke around” a bit more. It’s got good information or a teasers to give them something they want. This “something” could be free or at a low cost, but whether it’s a call to action for purchasing an e-book or a report (or get it for free), the entire purpose of this page is to ask your customer to give you an email address (that you can plug into your CRM) because they can’t get the content unless they fork over their email address.
2. Topic blogs & calls to action
Great bloggers know that a call to action at the end of each blog is crucial to promotional efforts. You could ask the reader to subscribe to your email address, like or follow you on a social media platform or even ask them to share your blog within their social networks. You can even craft an entire blog around a topic for monetization. Book reviews for Amazon or joining affiliate banks and promoting products or services.
3. Freemiums
This is where you are providing either a webinar or other piece of dynamic content designed to benefit the reader, for free! People love free stuff and webinars and/or Google hangouts are a great way for readers to get to know you, like you and trust you – building loyalty to your brand. Think about the most commonly asked questions in your business, the most common pitfalls people encounter prior to purchasing from your product or service or even some helpful tips and tricks that users will find educational and informative. Structure a class around that and then end that class with a call to action, just as you would with a topic blog or any other blog. Then, take that video and publish it to YouTube so that it works for you around the clock.
Using these three things consistently, you will see an increase in your subscriber counts as well as sales.
But of course, if you find yourself stuck, that’s when you hire us!
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